Items 145-153 of 263

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  1. An image of an old lady with a walking stick riding on a skateboard

    Help someone living in fuel poverty pay their bills.

  2. A cartoon drawing of an old lady with a walking stick riding a skateboard.
    Keep OAPs Warm

    Help someone living in fuel poverty pay their bills

  3. A cartoon of three basking sharks wearing sunglasses and swimming in the sea with their mouths open.
    Keep our coastal waters clean

    Clean up our waters and let basking sharks roam

  4. A close up shot of an orange baby monkey, clinging on to the black hair of another monkey.
    Kill the trade in wildlife and stop the next pandemic

    Prevent animal cruelty

  5. A close up headshot of a snow leopard.
    Kill the trade in wildlife and stop the next pandemic

    Train a sniffer dog

  6. A collection of yarns, knitting needles and other haberdashery.
    Knitting kits for refugees

    Sponsor a knitting kit for a refugee arriving in the UK

  7. A close up of multicoloured balls of yarn arranged on a table.
    Knitting therapy Promote recovery through knitting
  8. A cartoon of a chef standing on a step ladder stirring a giant blue pot.
    Lentils for children in Africa 100 meals for malnourished children

Items 145-153 of 263

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How It Works

At Good Gifts, we do precisely what it says on the tin: your money buys the gift described.

And because we know the importance of knowing where your money goes, we guarantee it. And the delivering charities guarantee it too.

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Little Good Gifts

  • Ideal for Christmas stockings, party and wedding favours and small presents. Your Little Good Gift is described in a pretty gift card on which to write your own message. Sorry! The card is too small to print a message on.